A webinar to launch a plan for nitrogen efficient plants for climate smart arable cropping systems (NCS) – farmers working with scientists to achieve the best from pulse crops and to reduce their carbon emissions. Those who register here will join PulsePEP, the farmer-led community for the NCS Project.
Farm Carbon Toolkit is excited to be part of this ambitious new research project to explore the huge potential of UK-grown pulses and legumes to address the climate crisis and replace imported soya meal. Read about it here.
Speakers include:
- Roger Vickers – Chief Executive PGRO. PGRO leads the project and Roger gives an overview of its bold aims and ambitions for how it will reduce carbon emissions and increase productivity on farm.
- Dr Pietro Iannetta – Senior Scientist James Hutton Institute. Pete opens a window on the science and offer a snapshot of the wealth of R&D in pulses and legumes that’s ready to come on to UK farms.
- John McArthur – Managing Director McArthur Agriculture. Drawing on years of technical and practical post-harvest processing expertise, John highlights the opportunities for livestock producers to be involved in trials substituting soybean meal with farm processed legumes and pulses.
- Dr Pete Berry – Head of Crop Physiology, ADAS. ADAS has led the way in on-farm innovation through initiatives such as YEN and FarmPEP, and Pete introduces PulsePEP, the vibrant farmer community that sits at the centre of the project.
- Liz Bowles Chief Executive Farm Carbon Toolkit (FCT) . FCT is one of the UK’s leading authorities in measuring and monitoring farm carbon emissions, and Liz explains the support available for 200 farmers who join the PulsePEP.
- David Passmore – Pulse grower. Passmore Brothers, Oxon. No stranger to on-farm trials, David shares his experiences in innovation.
- Andrew Howard – Pulse grower Bockhanger Farms, Kent. Andy has been pioneering ways in bi-cropping and discusses what he’s learned.
- Tom Allen-Stevens – Founder BOFIN. Tom chairs the webinar, introduces the panellists and fields questions from attendees.
To attend:
To sign up please follow this link: Webinar Registration – Zoom