Calculator Services

To learn about our wider services at the Farm Carbon Toolkit, click here.

Free for farmers and growers

The Farm Carbon Calculator is free for individual farmers and growers to use – and always will be. Click here to get started.

When the Calculator is being used on a commercial basis, we offer a variety of services:

  • Professional Licences to use the Farm Carbon Calculator. For organisations and advisors using the Calculator to provide footprinting or advice on behalf of farmers or growers, such as consultancies and land agents. 
  • Bespoke “White Label” services. For organisations interested in a bespoke-skinned version of the Calculator, featuring group administration, bespoke branded reports and benchmarking.
  • Custom integrations: For organisations interested in a custom integration via our API service, to enhance the flow of footprinting data, benchmarks and other information.

Click to download a PDF explaining our commercial services or contact us.

Professional Licences

Fees from professional licences help to support future developments, ensuring the Calculator is world-leading and at the forefront of the latest research.

If you are interested in a Professional License, please fill out this form and we’ll help you learn more and get set up. Alternatively, you can contact us via email: [email protected]. We will be happy to arrange a trial period or have an introduction call if you are unsure.

2024 ratesNo planBasicStandardGold
per report
from £72
per report
from £55
per report
from £46
per report
Number of reports includedup to 20up to 50up to 120
Starter training sessions1 session2 sessions2 sessions
No of usersup to 8up to 20up to 50
Customer support2 hours6 hours12 hours
Report validations124
Base annual fee£1,440£2,750£5,500
Charity/CIC/BCorp discount10%10%10%10%
Extras above payment plan
Additional reports£132£45 per report£40 /report£35 /report
Report validationfrom £82
Extra online training sessions£385
Please get in touch for details about this service.

White Labels

These customised versions of the calculator are hosted and maintained by the Farm Carbon Toolkit, but styled to suit your needs and brand. They include the following features:

  • A dedicated home page and URL
  • Dedicated web support in case of any problems
  • Customised visuals and messaging for users: including bespoke resources for users. 
  • Membership of our supporter community, with opportunities to feedback on Calculator development and the needs of your organisation.
  • Group admin function: explore and export data from all users, as PDF reports and CSV downloads.. This enables you to understand averages and benchmarks within your group. This is subject to appropriate data protection agreements with your users. 
  • Customised report page: including PDF downloads, with agreed branding that enables the report to have a visual comparable with the customised homepage and a sense of ownership.
  • Customised help documents and FAQs specific to your user group
  • Initial half-day training session on how to use the Calculator, plus ongoing support for technical queries
  • Plus all standard features of the Calculator:
    • A continually updated, latest version of the Calculator engine
    • Results in three levels of detail – Summary, Detailed and Full
    • Comparison: compare your results against other carbon reports
    • Share: enable others to access your carbon reports via a URL token

Software integrations and API

Bespoke software integrations

There’s an increasing need for carbon data to be securely shared between different software platforms and organisations, to reduce double-entry of data and support greater consistency. At the Farm Carbon Toolkit, we’re working hard to develop our software so that our users can securely share their data with other organisations and software services which they use, while retaining clear ownership and control. If you would like to discuss a bespoke software or data solution, please contact us.

Carbon Calculation Engine API

For software providers and applications that use agricultural business data, the Carbon Calculation Engine API provides an easy way to enable your users to see their carbon emissions data, bringing a new, valuable lens to their performance. 

Why use it?

  • Seamless Integration: easily integrate the Calculation Engine API into existing software solutions or applications to access emissions data directly.
  • Accurate and up-to-date: engage users with reliable, up-to-date carbon emissions information, tailored to their business, and backed by robust scientific methodologies and data sources. 
  • Extensive range of emissions data available, including energy, livestock, crop cultivation, land use, materials, and farm management practices. 
  • Customisable Parameters where additional data collection is required, we can provide support and assistance to bring this to your software in a way that works for your users.

Key features

  • Only query the emissions you need
  • Select the emissions categories that most closely match existing data collection
  • “Build” a carbon footprint piece by piece from data you’re already collecting
  • Emissions data broken down by scope (1, 2, 3 and out-of-scopes)
  • Emissions factors updated and methodology reviewed annually
  • Last external review: Nov 2023 by the Carbon Trust
  • Swagger documentation and API key provided

Find out more

To find out more and discuss your needs, please contact [email protected].

Calculator Services Overview