The Citizen Science part of our Farm Net Zero project is aimed at non-farming audiences in the Cornwall community, helping people to discover how they can implement climate friendly practices in their gardens, allotments and more broadly in their everyday lives. These activities are led by the Westcountry Rivers Trust.

We’re planning activities that will support people to learn simple and practical techniques, while also providing insight into the work carried out on our monitor farms. We are collaborating with some great local growing communities to demonstrate practical techniques to reduce impacts and help us adapt to the changing climate. These will include practical workshops and events that raise awareness of the importance of soil in carbon cycles and how to measure and improve soil health in gardens, horticulture and allotments.

We hope these practices will increase awareness with the public, inspiring further knowledge sharing as well as a stronger link between the farmers and the public. We hope this will support positive messages around the contribution that farming can make to increase resilience to climate change and how important this is in the South West.

Further information about the Citizen Science projects and associated events can be found here.