Get your carbon questions answered as we delve into the world of soil carbon, carbon calculators, sequestration, net zero and carbon credits.
About the Event
Farming is one of the few industries that has the potential to sequester more carbon than it produces. But its complex! Join us and get practical advice on how to measure and improve your carbon management and learn more about carbon credits and trading.
The Day
- Kate Henderson and the FarmED team will facilitate the date and summarise the rage of carbon calculators currently on the market. Discuss which carbon calculators are suitable for different situations.
- Becky Willson from Farm Carbon Toolkit will explore carbon and greenhouse gasses and their role in agriculture. Bring your laptop and have a go at producing a carbon calculation for your land using the Farm Carbon Calculator, guided by Becky. Learn how to interpret the data and what to do next to improve your footprint.
- Take a farm walk and see what we are doing at FarmED to build soil health, reduce emissions and increase sequestration above and below ground. Discuss the data that we are collecting.
- Tim Field from the North East Cotswolds Farmer Cluster and Carbon Quester will update us on the carbon code and market for carbon credits. We will also hear what our local farmers and landowners are doing to baseline their carbon and model uplift. Can we come to together to trade?
- Refreshments and a delicious and nutritious lunch from the FarmED cafe are included in the ticket price.
Who Is The Event For?
If you are interested in the carbon debate and potential farming solution this event is for you. This event is ideal for farmers, landowners and managers, consultants, advisors, researchers and students.
Key Speakers
- Becky Willson works with farmers, estates, supply chains and other businesses to help understand how to integrate soil health into carbon accounting systems. A passionate advocate for highlighting the economic benefits of sustainable farming, Becky currently works full time for Farm Carbon Toolkit and has previously worked at the Duchy College Rural Business School as a technical specialist in resource management. In 2016, Becky was awarded a Nuffield Scholarship to study further how to communicate carbon reduction schemes to farmers, which has fed into her work at FCT and Duchy College.
- Tim Field founded Carbon Quester with the Rothamsted Research Institute in 2020 to develop an affordable, accurate soil carbon testing methodology. By applying Rothamsted’s world-leading carbon sequestration research, Carbon Quester aims to become the UK’s most trusted soil carbon trading platform. Since 2021 Tim has also been facilitating the new farmer cluster in the North East Cotswolds, which includes 75,000 acres across 85 farms. He is also the founder and board member of the Agricology project, a knowledge exchange platform to disseminate best practices and research on practical, sustainable farming.
How to book
Visit the event on the FarmED website here to book.
Tiered Pricing
Delivery of FarmED’s mission is a collective effort and their values embrace inclusivity and diversity, where price shouldn’t be a barrier to anyone visiting FarmED or attending their events.
FarmED Bursary
If cost is a barrier to you attending, then please do ask FarmED for financial support. The FarmED Bursary offers free or subsidised places to those that will benefit most.
GREAT Farmers
As part of the GREAT project (see FarmED can offer subsidised places to existing and aspiring farmers, growers and advisers in Gloucestershire to the suite of regenerative agriculture and agroecological transition courses at FarmED. To book, please select the Discounted Ticket option on their event page. You will be asked for a few eligibility details including evidence of your involvement in regenerative agriculture and your potential impact in Gloucestershire.
North East Cotswold Farmer Cluster
FarmED can also offer subsidised places to members of the North East Cotswold Farmer Cluster ( To book, please select the Discounted Ticket option.