Grazing and Pasture Management Demo Day & BBQ

A practical on-farm demonstration day on paddock grazing and pasture management with Niels Corfield, Pasture for Life and Farm Carbon Toolkit


Farm walks, talks and discussions on pasture management, herbal leys, soil health and net zero farming with:

Includes a BBQ with grass-fed beef and locally-grown seasonal salads.

Open to anyone in the Northern Protected Landscapes, (for example Forest of Bowland, North Pennines, Nidderdale, Howardian Hills, Arnside and Silverdale, Solway Coast, Northumberland Coast and National Parks, including Lake District, North Yorkshire Moors, Northumberland and Yorkshire Dales), including farmers, graziers, farm managers, land agents, ecologists and farm advisers.

This is a social gathering for our growing community of regenerative farmers in Northern Protected Landscapes and a part of the Farming for Resilience workshop series.

To book:

Please head to the eventbrite page here.

About the Farming for Resilience workshop series:

Nidderdale AONB has been working with Niels since August 2022, and after the positive response from farmers and land managers, they have teamed up with the Nature Friendly Farming Network to offer more events throughout 2023 as part of their Farming for Resilience workshop series.

These workshops are designed to help farmers build resilience by improving soil health, reducing reliance on costly artificial inputs and adopting grazing systems through whole-farm planning for greater sustainability. We will explore the role soil biology plays in agricultural performance, pasture health and farm viability and what practices can be used to support healthy soils.

Niels will provide practical guidance on natural ecosystem processes and how farmers can work with these processes to improve farm system efficiency. He can also provide advice on a range of farming topics from equipment choice to slurry management.

Join the Nature Friendly Farming Network as a free member to be the first to hear of new dates in the series.

You can see the event flyer here.