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Beef & Sheep Production

GHG emissions from beef and sheep production are a very significant source of GHGs from UK agriculture.

Of the UK’s total agricultural area (18,819 hectares) grassland contributes the largest proportion with approximately 11,345 hectares of land classified as rough grazing, temporary or permanent pasture in 2020. There is therefore clearly a role for beef and sheep production in the UK to utilise this substantial land area that is unsuitable for cropping. In regards to GHG emissions, reduced stocking rates would immediately reduce the farm’s overall GHG output and consequent CO2e footprint, but may not be the best approach for business security, land-use or habitat safeguarding. Furthermore, there must be consideration for the emission contribution from importing meat products which if are not produced in the UK must be sourced from elsewhere.

The majority of GHGs from beef and sheep are emitted as methane (CH4) – this is a by product of the ruminant’s digestive process as it converts forage to useful energy. Another significant GHG emission is nitrous oxide (N20) which is emitted mainly as a result of fertiliser and manure applications in the process of producing food and bedding used as part of the wider livestock production process. Data collected by the FCT suggest that often the use of diesel, electricity and direct carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are less than 10% of a total farm carbon footprint, so in comparison to the afore mentioned emission sources are of lower priority.

Mitigation Strategies:

Improving Overall Efficiencies of the Flock/Herd:

This is the route recommended by the major industry organisations and, where possible to implement, will benefit the farm business as well as reducing farm GHG emissions.

The Scottish Agricultural College have put numbers to a couple of immediate efficiency indicators in beef production systems:

  • Reducing calf mortality rates by 5% will reduce GHG emissions by 10% per kg carcass weight.
  • Increasing the energy content of ensiled grass by 1MJ/kg DM will improve feed quality and DM intakes resulting in a reduction of GHGs by approximately 6% per kg of carcass weight.
  • Teagasc, the Irish research and extension service, estimate that there are differences of over 3x between the ‘worst’ and the ‘best’ beef farms across the range of production systems. They calculate that an extension in the grazing period by two weeks either side of housing cattle can reduce GHG emissions by over 5% due primarily to the reduction of slurry stored and the higher digestibility of grazed grass compared to conserved forage resulting in better live weight gains. They are currently working on a ‘carbon navigator’ tool that will be used by extension workers to assess current KPIs and plot improved efficiency targets for farms to aim at that can be quantified.
  • Improved health status, improved feed conversion efficiency and any management changes to increase live weight gain will have corresponding benefits to all aspects of the farm business.
  • The opportunities for diet modification are far less than with dairy herds as nearly all beef and sheep are extensively reared with little concentrate inputs. However incorporating legumes (and where possible high sugar rye grasses to increase the feed value of the grass will also benefit both bottom lines.
  • The area for greatest GHG reductions is around the application of manures and fertilisers. Any reduction in the use of fertilisers will have a significant effect as N2O is the most potent of all GHGs. Careful application techniques for manures and careful timing of all applications to avoid putting on more nutrients than can be taken up by plant growth or taken into the soil organic matter will significantly reduce GHG emissions. It is equally important to not apply nutrients to waterlogged soils as N2O emissions will be very high in these conditions – and you’re losing nearly all the Nitrogen that you’re putting on to feed the pasture.

Replacing Nitrogen Fertilisers with Legumes:

Legumes such as clover have the ability to fix nitrogen and can replace or reduce the need to apply artificial nitrogen. Introducing clovers, or other legumes, into established permanent pasture requires attention to detail but is relatively straightforward to achieve, and, once established they can produce similar amounts of forage to fertilized grass without the cost or GHG emissions.

Manure Storage:

There are a number of studies on how different storage techniques for solids and slurries affect GHG emissions with conflicting results.

Methane producing bacteria thrive in anaerobic conditions and higher temperatures therefore aerating slurry stores, regularly turning muck heaps and emptying the slurry/manure store before the summer will reduce CH4 emissions. However ammonia and nitrous oxide losses are generally lower in aerated conditions – one study found losses of N2O to be half from aerated slurry stores than un-aerated stores. It is agreed by all researchers that using a trailing shoe for slurry applications reduces GHG emissions (and nitrogen losses) as immediate soil contact reduces losses of ammonia with consequent reduction in N2O emissions.

Mob stocking:

Mob stocking is a technique that is being developed in many countries as an alternative pasture management system for beef. It runs counter to the conventional grazing strategies which encourage regular and frequent grazing. In mob stocking the intervals between grazing are 2-3x as long, with the grass much more matured when grazed. The cattle are only on any area of grass for a few days maximum, at very high densities, and trample a significant proportion of the grass into the soil. This ‘wasted’ grass increases soil organic matter content with a corresponding sequestration of carbon. See soil sequestration section for more details.

Further reading:

To find out how to account for sheep in your enterprise head here.

Pig Production

Areas to focus on when improving the efficiency of pork production.

Pig Rearing, Fattening and Breeding

Production of pork produces approximately half the GHGs per kilo of meat compared to beef or lamb since pigs are monogastric and produce only a fraction of the methane of ruminants. However the majority of UK beef and lamb are fed from land that is not suitable for any other agricultural cropping and which is sequestering carbon, while extensive and especially intensive pork production utilises arable crops to produce food with far less efficiency than the direct consumption of those crops. Traditionally pig production was an efficient means of converting inedible waste food and bi-products into food, with current legislation on swill feed meaning that this is not at present possible.

GHG emissions from pig rearing systems are primarily nitrous oxide (N2O) which in most studies accounts for about half of all GHG emissions with the remainder being equal between methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

Emissions from pig production occur from two main sources, the underlying enteric emissions produced when food is broken down during the rearing process (11% GHG contribution) and during manure management. For pig production 20% of the total GHG contribution is from nitrous oxide and a further 69% from methane released from manure.


Approximately 50 – 70 % of all GHG emissions are from the growing (and to a lesser extent any processing and transporting) of feedstuffs, this is partly from the production and application of nitrogen fertilisers and partly from the soil processes and GHG emissions inherent in most crop husbandry systems. If the ration contains soya grown overseas is can have much higher emissions associated with its production.

Ensuring optimum feed conversion efficiency is a key aim for all pig farmers along with achieving the optimum productivity from your production system. So attention to feed analysis and diet, minimizing waste and attention to factors that may reduce feed conversion efficiency are standard husbandry practices.

However as the majority (60–70 %) of emissions are from N2O, reducing the amount of crude protein (CP) in the ration formulation can also have a positive effect on reducing N2O emissions. In pig rearing approximately 25–40% of all the nitrogen (N) contained in feed rations is converted into proteins and used in animal growth, the other 60–75% is excreted. The higher the levels of N in the manure, the greater the potential there is for ammonia (NH3) emissions, which can be oxidised to N2O and therefore subsequent N2O emissions. A diet with lower levels of CP will potentially result in lower N2O emissions. There have been a number of studies that have shown that reducing the CP level of the diet by 3% – a 17% CP down to a diet with 14% CP – and supplementing with appropriate amino acids (to ensure sufficient levels of essential amino acids for achieving full growth potential), can result in a reduction of 30% less N excreted, by the animal and up to 40% reduction in N2O emissions from the manures as slurry or solids.


There are a variety of strategies that can be employed to reduce the amount of N2O and CH4 emissions associated with manure storage and application. The proportion of GHG emissions from each stage will depend very much on the system adopted and the weather and so can be very different between farms and in each year.


Ensuring that there is adequate slurry storage and land for spreading on so that applications can be best matched to crop growth and nutrient requirements is fundamental.

During storage it is possible to reduce losses of CH4 and N2O through specific management of the slurry store and muck heaps, but the amounts of emissions that can be reduced are not clear. Bacterial activity is responsible for the production of CH4 and ammonia (NH3) – which is then available to be oxidised to N2O – and is dependent on a range of factors especially, pH, temperature and the degree of aeration of the store.

The composition of manure heaps, the moisture content and the amount of airflow over the storage will also affect rates of emissions. Covering the surface of a slurry store/muck heap with a plastic sheet has shown to reduce emissions (covering with chopped straw or woodchip doesn’t). Acidifying the slurry store reduces the bacterial activity and has been shown to significantly reduce NH3 and CH4 production. Cooler temperatures and regular turning of manure heaps also reduces emissions.

Muck spreading

Best practice during application is generally considered to be always cost effective as it makes maximum use of the nutrients in the manures with minimum GHG losses. Matching nutrients in the slurry to the crop requirements (only spreading slurry in the growing season), not spreading on water logged soils, using a trailing shoe to place the slurry next to the soil rather than spreading onto of land/grass will all significantly reduce N2O emissions.

Anaerobic digestion

Because pig slurry is higher in undigested feedstuff than cattle slurry, it is more suited to anaerobic digesters. Using the slurry in an AD plant gives a triple win as not only are GHG emissions from slurry storage cut to almost zero, the resulting digestate releases less N2O on application than slurry or FYM, however applied, and also the carbon in the slurry is used to produce methane which is then captured in the AD plant and used as a renewable source of energy.

Reducing CO2 emissions and energy savings

The more intensive the production system, the higher the direct energy requirements, the larger the % of GHG emissions as CO2 and the greater the potential to save money and GHG emissions from energy efficiency measures.

Heating and ventilation are responsible for most energy used in intensive systems. An energy audit will show how much energy is used, where, how your unit compares to similar farms, the areas where efficiencies can be put into place and likely costs and saving from such works. Good insulation, regular equipment maintenance, monitoring actual energy use against expected use and use of energy saving technologies such as heat exchange systems can all help with reducing energy usage and lowering GHG emissions. Whenever significant investment is being planned, looking at the smart ways to reduce GHG emissions, through the redesign of the system along with reducing energy consumption will be a valuable investment and should be a priority in any forward planning.

Dairy Production

More information on available strategies to reduce the GHG emissions associated with dairy production.

Dairy farming is responsible for a significant release of GHGs from various aspects throughout the production process. Most of these emissions are from the biological processes that underpin the daily rhythms of the cow, such as feeding and dunging and are inherent in the production of milk. However, as with most complex biological processes, there are a range of factors that influence the scale of these emissions and many of them are open to management changes and improvements.

The most significant emission is from ‘enteric fermentation’ from the cows themselves as the microflora in their rumens breakdown the forage, with the subsequent release of methane (CH4) which is then emitted out by the cow.

Sources of Emissions

According to DairyCo a cow can produce up to 650 litres of methane a day. Researchers at Scottish Agricultural Colleges carried out an assessment from their own farms over 7 years to ascertain levels of methane emissions and found that that almost emissions associated with dairying were due to the release of methane from enteric fermentation with only minor differences between higher and lower forage based systems.

The other major source of GHG emissions is from animal manures and how they are managed prior to eventual incorporation into the soil organic matter. These losses occur as nitrous oxide (N20), methane and ammonia (NH4) and are dependent on how manures are collected and stored and returned to the land. These emissions account for 20–30 % of all GHG emissions.

The remainder of the emissions associated with dairying are from emissions associated from using nitrogen fertilizers, the import of feed and concentrates (and the emissions associated with their production) and the direct use of energy on the farm. Depending on how much nitrogen fertilizer is used, it can account for anything from under 5% to over 30% of all GHG emissions from the farm.

Emissions associated with imported feedstuffs on to farms are around 10% and can be higher depending on the providence of the raw materials – the farther away they have come from the higher the emissions.

GHG emissions from power and fuel use, mainly as carbon dioxide (CO2) are generally around 10% of a dairy farm’s total, see the Energy sections of the Toolkit for more.

Strategies for Reducing Losses from Enteric Fermentation

Approximately 75% of all the energy contained in feedstuffs that the cow eats is converted into CH4 emissions. Methanogenic micro-flora in the rumen use carbon dioxide to soak up the excess hydrogen produced from the breakdown of the forage to produce CH4 in the rumen and hindgut. Research is being carried out on this at present in the UK and overseas to try and get more accurate data and a better understanding of possible mitigation strategies.

It is important to be clear about reduced emissions per animal versus reduction per unit of productivity (milk/live weight gain) as some strategies may increase the total amount of methane produced per animal but reduce the amount produced per litre.

Feed Efficiency

The current advice from organisations such as DairyCo is to concentrate in the first instance on improving the efficiency of milk production through improved feed efficiency which will benefit the bottom line and also effectively reduce GHG emissions per unit of production. The higher the feed intake the more methane is produced but a diet that is optimised to production will mean that relatively less methane is emitted just for internal body maintenance.

DairyCo also recommends paying increased attention to improving overall herd health so as to reduce calf mortality and increase early year growth rates, and improving fertility with a consequent reduction in culling, and clearly all improvements in the herd health status will result in increased levels of milk production.

Feed Mixtures

The other possible opportunity for reducing methane production per animal and per unit of production is through diet alteration either by adding supplements or changing the forage mix.

There are a range of studies that have shown positive results from increasing the legume content of the forage (the tannins and saponins in certain legumes (and other plants such as garlic) appear to have an anti-methanogenic effect), replacing maize with grass forage and increasing the oil content of the feed.

Because methane production is linked to saturated fatty acid synthesis, feed compounds which affect these pathways also influence levels of methane production as fats can also combine with the excess hydrogen in the guts. This area is currently being further researched by both academic institutes and commercial feed manufactures.

Individual cows within the herd will produce significant differences in volume of methane produced for each cow; at lower feed intake levels there can be a difference between animals of 3 times, though this tends to flatten out at higher feed levels. This may present an opportunity to selectively breed for lower emission cows in the future as it is possible to estimate the individual output per cow from a milk analysis.

Growing and feeding high sugar content grasses can also help to both reduce CH4 emissions and reduce N2O losses as the higher sugar content of the diet results in reduced methanogenic activity and allows for better uptake of nitrogen (N) – with less N therefore excreted by the cow and available for N2O emissions.

There is on-going work on breeding clovers with lower protein contents, this is potentially useful for some reduction in N2O emissions as between 50-75% of all N ingested by a cow is excreted in the urine and liable to subsequent conversion through NH3 to N2O and emitted into the atmosphere.

Reducing GHG Emissions from Manure Management

Emissions occur as CH4 and N2O – the most significant being as N2O because of its much higher effect on climate change (‘Global Warming Potential’).

There is limited research to demonstrate the levels of mitigation that can be achieved by different manure management systems and some actions may have opposite effects on the different GHGs.

Storing wastes in a solid form rather than slurry will result in less CH4 but possibly greater N₂O losses and covering any store reduces the amount of CH4 released and possibly N2O as well (by reducing ammonia losses). Therefore from an emissions standpoint it is better to store wastes as solids.

The application of manures to fields can make significant differences to N2O losses. Slurry applied in the spring can result in up to 50% less N2O being emitted. By using a trailing shoe or injecting, further reductions will be obtained as the slurry is placed directly onto the soil, unlike traditional spreading. As with all fertiliser applications, matching the amount of nitrogen required by the crop in the next couple of weeks, to the amount applied, will reduce nutrient losses and improve margins as well as emissions.

As with all fertilizer applications, matching the amount of nitrogen required by the crop in the next couple of weeks, to the amount applied, will reduce nutrient losses and improve margins as well as emissions.

Anaerobic digestion is a triple win for dairy farmers as normal manure storage and application losses are reduced by a third and all the methane is turned into a renewable energy source – see Energy Generation section of the Toolkit.

Reductions through Fertiliser Application / Use of Legumes

The use of nitrogen based fertilizers can be the second or even the largest source of GHG emissions on dairy farms. This is due to the emissions of N2O which, depending on the temperature, moisture content of the soil, rainfall, soil organic matter and grass/crop growth rates can be very high and are very variable. As described in the Fertility section of the Toolkit these losses can be reduced by good management which will also improve the efficient use of the fertilizers and therefore gross margins.

Grassland farmers have a great advantage over arable farmers for making very significant savings on fertilizers by using legumes, primarily clovers, to replace much or all fertilizer use, as demonstrated by organic dairy farmers who are regularly achieving high levels of production of forage without any fertilizers. As fertilizer use accounts for around 20% (and could be much higher or lower) of all GHG emissions from conventional farms, incorporating legumes into grazing swards and using red clover, lucerne or sainfoin for cutting will make a very significant difference to a farms GHG emissions and with careful management will also improve margins as less or no nitrogen based fertilizers are required.

Reductions through imports of feedstuffs

Emissions from imported feeds are generally the fourth greatest cause of emissions on dairy farms at around 10%. These are ‘indirect emissions’ to your farm as they have been generated in the growing of the crops on another farm and also include all emissions associated with the processing and transportation to your farm.

This will be greater on farms that have a lower home grown component to the diet and will be significantly greater if the feedstuffs are grown overseas on land that has been recently converted from pasture or semi natural vegetation to cultivated land, such as some soya. Looking for alternatives to these feedstuffs should be a priority for all farmers concerned about GHGs.

Power and Electrical Efficiencies

CO2 emissions directly from diesel and electricity use are the easiest to quantify accurately and are usually the smallest of all the dairy emissions at around 10%.  Any savings and efficiencies that can be made here will automatically benefit the bottom line and if cost effective should be implemented as a priority.

Machinery operation is covered in the Buildings and Operations section of the Toolkit.

On dairy farms the use of electricity for tank cooling can be greatly reduced with a plate cooler and the heat released from bulk tank cooling of the milk can be reused to heat the hot water for washing round via a heat exchange unit. Both items are easily retrofitted to a parlour and most dairy farmers now have one or the other or even both. Using solar thermal panels to heat the water for the wash round can also now be cost efficient, and more so with either a grant or through the Renewable Heat Incentive scheme. Find out more in the Energy Generation section of the Toolkit.

Further opportunities

All livestock farms have a significant opportunity to sequester carbon in the soil – see the Soil and Sequestration sections of the toolkit.


There are numerous opportunities for saving emissions and money. There is lots of overlap with operations and energy generation and efficiency, so don’t forget to read those sections too, and of course the opportunities from sequestration.

Taking Action

Guiding principles to reduce nitrous oxide emissions at field level. At the field scale there are a number of guiding principles that will reduce N2O emissions which can make significant GHG emission reductions.

  1. The most obvious is matching N applied (whether as fertiliser, farm yard manure or brought in organic material such as sewage sludge) to the crop’s requirements. Measuring soil mineral nitrogen in the spring to give an idea of available soil N alongside the tool with give greater accuracy to the assessment.  Applying too much fertiliser is both a waste of money, has the potential to pollute watercourses and increases GHG emissions.
  2. Timing of fertiliser applications in relation to timing of both crop uptake and also the weather can make a significant difference as N2O emissions will increase substantially in water logged or even warm and wet soils (due to increased activity by denitrifying bacteria). Applying fertilizers that are nitrate based (such as the standard 34% N ammonium nitrate) within 24 hours (before or after) of rain can reduce potential N2O emissions by 20%. Urea applications are more prone to losses of NHin windy weather as the moving air increases the volatilisation of NHfrom the soil. However it is more suitable as an early spring fertiliser as it is less susceptible to GHG emissions from high soil moisture levels. Splitting applications so that the quantity of N applied is sufficient for two weeks growth rather than 2 months will clearly reduce both the losses of N from the soil (and crop_ and GHG emissions despite the increased emissions from extra field operations.
  3. Tailoring fertilizer application to the site specific yield potential of a crop within the field is one of the benefits of Precision Farming. There are a large number of specialist advisors, and farmers, who are developing precision farming and would help you explore the potential for such a system on your farm.
  4. How the nutrients are applied and any opportunity for incorporation into the soil is likely to make a difference but there is currently little research being done on this aspect. Speedy incorporation of organic materials prior to crop establishment has been demonstrated to reduce GHG emissions and loss of N from NH4 volatilization, particularly from chicken manure.
  5. Soil moisture, soil temperature, pH, soil organic matter and structure will all have an influence on what happens to the nitrogen in the fertilizer once it is applied to the soil – see diagram below. However attention to how much and when fertilizers are applied are very directly under your control and will have the most impact on GHG emissions and worth focussing on first.

Fertiliser Operations

Focussing on where emissions are found in arable production systems and what we can do about them.

The most significant Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from arable cropping in the UK are associated with the use of artificial nitrogen fertilisers. The other significant operation is cultivations (frequency, intensity, and depth) and the effect that has on Soil Organic Matter and subsequent GHG emissions. 

Summary of emissions:

For arable cropping in general in the UK, the breakdown of GHG emissions is:

  • 60 – 70% of all GHGs are related to artificial nitrogen (fertilizer)  production and application
  • 20% are related to fuel use and field operations
  • 10 – 15% from P and K fertilizers, organic manures and liming
  • 10% from sown seeds (emissions associated with its growing, processing etc)
  • 1%  from crop protection chemicals

Clearly understanding how nitrogen fertilizers contribute such a proportion of the total GHG emissions and the opportunities for reducing these is where to focus first.

There have been a number of studies, both in-field and through modelling techniques looking at the effect of reducing or cutting out all nitrogen (N) fertilizer applications.

Just reducing or removing N fertilisers from a conventional system will result in a corresponding reduction of yield and a number of studies have looked at the most N ‘efficient’ application rate for balancing the greatest yield of crop per gram of GHG emitted. For winter wheat this would be (depending on a host of normal farm variables such as soil type, previous cropping, winter rainfall and so on) around 150 kg N/ha which is well below the current commercially optimum rate of 190 – 210 kg N/ha that is the average over farms in the UK.

Not using any N fertilizers at all is a core part of an organic crop production system. This approach reduces GHG emissions on a farm basis, but because of the lower yields achieved and because organic farming relies on building up fertility through the use of leguminous crops (to fix nitrogen from the air) which are then ploughed in (with consequent release of GHGs). Therefore the carbon emissions from a ton of organic wheat compared to a ton of conventionally produced wheat is not so clearly different.

It has also been argued that since organic cropping requires a fertility building component (25 – 70%) in the rotation that is not producing any edible grains or oilseeds for humans, the lower intensity of the organic system requires extra land to be farmed when compared to conventional farming to produce the same overall quantity of product and thus any benefit from not using N fertilizers is reduced. There are equally robust arguments that challenge the current ‘need’ to produce large amounts of grains and oilseeds which are then fed to livestock rather than humans with the consequent overall reduction in available food and all the GHG emissions associated with livestock production.

Understanding how N fertiliser production and use gives rise to such large GHG emissions is important to understand the opportunities to reduce those emissions.

Fertiliser Production

Approximately 50% of the GHG emissions associated with N fertilisers are attributable to the production process. This is due in part to the energy requirements and use of natural gas in the production process, but also due to the production of nitric acid (as a stage to producing ammonium nitrate) and the leakage of N2O from the plant as part of that process.

Crops need nutrients to grow. Any nutrients required by plants are obtained from organic (e.g. manures, residues or soil organic matter) or mineral fertiliser. Recently, it has been estimated that without mineral nitrogen fertilizers 50% of the world’s population would not be fed, resulting in mass starvation and global crisis.

Manufacturing plants that have significantly reduced the N2O ‘leakage’ will be producing ammonia nitrate fertilizers that have half the potential to heat the earth’s atmosphere (or ‘Global Warming Potential’, GWP) of a plant that has no such technology installed. The process of manufacturing urea also results in approximately half the GWP of a tonne of urea compared to a tonne of ammonium nitrate from an ‘average’ ammonium nitrate producing plant.

Determining the GWP of the fertilizer that is used on your farm will therefore make a significant difference to the crop’s carbon footprint.

The Process of Manufacturing Fertiliser

Nitrogen fertiliser is produced using the Haber Bosch process. This involves combining Hydrogen (from steam reforming) with Nitrogen (from the air) to create ammonia. The process is very energy intensive, needing high pressure and high temperature to be most effective, and this comes with a large carbon footprint attached to it.

Work by the International Fertiliser Industry Association (IFA) showed that fertiliser manufacture accounts for approximately 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions. If associated Nitrous Oxide emissions from applying the fertiliser are taken into account as well, the total increases to 2.5% of the global total.

New Technologies for Reducing Emissions.

There are long term solutions that are in development to reduce the emissions associated with fertiliser production. These include carbon capture and storage, renewable electrolysis (to produce the hydrogen rather than the very energy intensive steam process), or the use of biomass gasification. Biomass gasification uses a biomass based feedstock to produce a gas mix which is high in Hydrogen, which can be used to create the ammonia needed. This ammonia is then combined with nitric acid to produce Nitrogen fertiliser (ammonium nitrate). Studies looking at biomass gasification have found that the GWP can be reduced by 52% through using this production method.

As well as the process being energy dense, the other emission associated with fertiliser production is nitrous oxide emissions which is a by-product of the production of Nitric Acid. With improvements in best available techniques, the IPCC estimates that nitrous oxide emissions can be reduced to approximately 0.12 kg/tonne nitric acid.

Experiences in China

China’s participation is essential in global efforts in reducing nitrogen related GHG emissions because China is the largest producer and consumer of fertiliser N, accounting for about 30% of global manufacture.

A project developed by Rothamsted Research and China Agricultural University (alongside other colleagues in the UK and China) have been researching different options for reducing the environmental impacts of fertiliser use. They found during the course of the project that a combination of technical innovations in manufacturing, and changes in how the fertiliser is applied could help to reduce the GHG emissions by between 2-6% of China’s overall greenhouse gas emissions. This is a significant reduction.

Innovation in the UK

One company in the UK who is looking at minimising losses and emissions from production of fertiliser is Yara. The European Union has defined “best available techniques” for the processes associated with fertiliser production. Yara has worked on measuring the carbon footprint from fertiliser production and through the use of new technologies. One example of this is their catalytic cleansing technology which abates about 90% of nitrous oxide emissions associated in the production of nitric acid.

For more information on the work done by Yara click here to visit their Fertiliser Industry Handbook (January 2017). Other fertiliser manufacturers have also worked to reduce the emission contributions from fertiliser production. The British producer, CF Fertilisers have implemented abatement technology to reduce Nitrous Oxide emissions by 3000 tonnes, reducing the carbon footprint of Nitram Fertiliser by 40% since 2010.

What can we Do?

In terms of practical measures that we can do at home, the only real option for anyone seriously interested in the emissions from fertiliser production is to ask questions and buy from producers who are minimising emissions. Moving forward more innovations will lead to a more streamlined process and fertiliser manufacturers will become streamlined in their environmental credentials.

The best way to minimise losses from fertiliser on the farm is to make sure that they are applied in the most efficient way possible, including fully accounting for field conditions and crop uptake demand. This will mean that the proportion of the emissions that arises from application is reduced, and also that more of the Nitrogen is used to grow profitable crops rather than lost into the environment.

Find out more about emissions from fertiliser application

Arable Production Systems

Focusing on where emissions are found in a arable production system and what can be done to minimise them.

The most significant source of Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from arable cropping in the UK is associated with the use of artificial nitrogen fertilisers, contributing to the large proportion of nitrous oxide released from agricultural systems. Another significant source would arise from cultivation activities, with the frequency, intensity, and depth influencing how these factors directly effect GHG emissions as a consequence of fuel usage and soil organic matter degradation.

Summary of Emissions:

For arable cropping in general in the UK, the breakdown of GHG emissions is:

  • 60 – 70% of all GHGs are related to artificial nitrogen (fertiliser) production and application
  • 20% are related to fuel use and field operations
  • 10 – 15% from P and K fertilizers, organic manures and liming
  • 10% from sown seeds (emissions associated with its growing, processing etc)
  • 1%  from crop protection chemicals

Clearly understanding how nitrogen fertilizers contribute such a proportion of the total GHG emissions and the opportunities for reducing these is where to focus first. There have been a number of studies, both in-field and through modelling techniques looking at the effect of reducing or cutting out all nitrogen (N) fertiliser applications. Improved plant genetics have additionally heightened crop nitrogen use efficiency, allowing to produce the same yield quantity with less fertiliser requirement.

Just reducing or removing N fertilizers from a conventional system can result in a corresponding reduction of yield and a number of studies have looked at the most N ‘efficient’ application rate for balancing the greatest yield of crop per gram of GHG emitted. For winter wheat this would be (depending on a host of normal farm variables such as soil type, previous cropping, winter rainfall and so on) around 150 kg N/ha which is well below the current commercially optimum rate of 190 – 210 kg N/ha that is the average over farms in the UK.

Not using any N fertilizers at all is a core part of an organic crop production system. This approach reduces GHG emissions on a farm basis, but may not on a cropping perspective. Organic farming relies on building up fertility through the use of leguminous crops (fixing nitrogen from the air) which are then incorporated into the soil (with consequent release of GHGs), which can produce more variable and lower yields. Therefore the carbon emissions from a tonne of organic wheat compared to a tonne of conventionally produced wheat is not so clearly different.

It has also been argued that as organic cropping requires a fertility building component (25 – 70%) in the rotation that is not producing any edible grains or oilseeds for human consumption, the lower intensity of the organic system requires extra land to be farmed when compared to conventional farming to produce the same overall quantity of product and thus any benefit from not using N fertilizers is reduced. There are equally robust arguments that challenge the current ‘need’ to produce large amounts of grains and oilseeds which are then fed to livestock rather than humans with the consequent overall reduction in available food and all the GHG emissions associated with livestock production.

Understanding how N fertilizer production and use gives rise to such large GHG emissions is important to understand the opportunities to reduce those emissions.

Emissions from Soil

Understanding scale and processes affecting greenhouse gas emissions from different soils and different soil practices is important to get a sense of the importance of soil. Soils, like the oceans and the atmosphere are fundamentally important in relation to the planetary cycling of carbon and nitrogen, and therefore the release and uptake of greenhouse gases (GHGs).

The continual flux of carbon, methane and nitrogen and the different forms that these elements exist in underpins the dynamics of climate change. Understanding how the management of the soils that we farm fits in with these cycles enables us to make informed choices about the effect of our farming systems on our soils and the effect those practices can have on GHG emissions from our farm. Since both storage and emission capacities may be large, precise quantifications are needed to obtain reliable global budgets that are necessary for land-use management (agriculture, forestry), global change and for climate research.

It is helpful to have a basic understanding of both the carbon and the nitrogen cycles to get a grasp of what’s going on in the soil.

The Carbon Cycle

Over 99.9% of all of the earth’s carbon is stored and fixed in the earth’s crust – the lithosphere. This is around 60 – 100 million billion, or gigatonnes (Gt) with just under 0.01% of that stored as fossil fuels (5 – 10,000 Gt). All this carbon is fixed and does not participate in the earth’s carbon cycle, until we bring fossil fuels into use and burn them when the carbon is then released as CO2.

The next largest carbon store is in the oceans, mainly as dissolved CO2 but also as shells coral and other elements (38,000 – 40,000 Gt).

And the next largest carbon store is in the soil at 1,500 – 1,800 Gt stored as soil carbon. This soil carbon could have been added as a result of this year’s cropping or could be a lignified residue from plant growth thousands of years ago that is resistant to microbial decomposition. The soil carbon is stored as organic compounds in the soil organic matter which is divided into three ‘pools’.

Approximately two thirds of all soil organic matter (SOM) is ‘stable’ and extremely resistant to decomposition and can remain unchanged for hundreds or even thousands of years; it is sometimes referred to as ‘humus’. This stable pool is important for soil physical processes, particularly aggregate formation and it also influences the soil cation exchange capacities (the ability of soils to hold onto positively charged plant nutrients).

The remaining third is divided into the ‘slow cycling’ and ‘active’ soil pools, with a constant flux from one pool to the other. The ‘slow cycling’ portion of SOM makes up just over half and is important for the release of nitrogen and phosphorus from the soil for crop growth. It is slowly broken down by biological and mechanical activity and has a turnover time of years to decades. The rest of the SOM is ‘active’, and primarily made up of recently added plant residues in the early stages of decomposition and soil microorganisms. This active pool of soil carbon is important for nutrient release and GHG emissions, and it will have a turnover time of months to years.

The remaining carbon store is in the atmosphere, 800 – 1,000 Gt, and increasing by 6Gt a year as a result of burning fossil fuels, and also in the biosphere which includes all living organisms on the earth (around 540 – 610 Gt).

Soil Carbon Emissions

Soils emit greenhouse gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Nitrous Oxide (N2O) and Methane (CH4). The largest emissions from soils are as CO2 as a result of respiration by soil microorganisms from the decomposition of the active Soil Organic Matter (SOM) pool.

Agriculture and forestry influence the rates of carbon addition and losses to the SOM. Organic carbon and therefore, SOM levels largely depend on vegetation cover and type of plant (root depth and spatial distribution), along with any land use changes. The most significant effect upon the carbon content of the soil is from mechanical cultivation. By cultivating soils the disturbance allows for greater oxidation of the soil profile, therefore promoting the fast metabolism of aerobic species of microorganisms which consequently releases CO2 as a by-product of respiration. Consequently, depending upon a number of factors such as previous cropping, soil type, intensity of cultivation and moisture content, cultivated soils can lose approximately 3 tonnes of soil carbon/ha/year.

This active SOM pool has carbon constantly being added to by plants from their residues, roots and exudates, as these plants take CO2 from the atmosphere to produce simple carbohydrates and all other organic compounds that enable them to grow. The additions and losses of carbon are relatively equal in a steady state system with a (very) gradual increase in SOM. Soils can thus contain between 30 – 90 tonnes of carbon/ha at 30cm depth.

The highest losses of SOM occur in the first year of ploughing out a permanent pasture and if cultivation continues over the next 25 years and can result in 25–40% of the original soil carbon being lost depending on the soil type. Soil surveys in England and Wales from 1978 – 2003 estimated that soil organic carbon decreased over that time by 0.6% per year, which would equate to a loss of 4.4 million tonnes of carbon/yr. Furthermore, where SOM levels were higher than average, the rate of loss of soil carbon was also greater, as much as 2% per year.

Peat soils and soils with very high levels of SOM (>10% SOM) pose additional GHG challenges. Because of the very high levels of SOM, if these soils are cultivated (or drained) the resulting GHG emission can be 4x higher than the same action on an ‘average’ 5% SOM soil.

Arable Farming Techniques for Building Carbon

In many arable systems, mechanical cultivation creates disturbance and consequent oxidation of the soil thereby depleting SOM by microbial action. Where land is under continual cultivation, as is much of UK arable land, reducing the frequency, depth and intensity of cultivations will reduce this soil carbon loss. Changing the crop establishment system to reduce the frequency and intensity of cultivations will provide an immediate reduction in farm GHG emissions.

Depending on the a number of factors, primarily preceding cropping, soil type, intensity of the cultivation and moisture content, cultivated soils can lose 3t of soil carbon/ha/year.

Techniques for arable cropping with no cultivations, known as reduced/ zero tillage are being practiced in the UK. A 2019 report from Defra stated that approximately 50% of the total SOC accumulation (after 100 years) occurs within the first 20 years after converting to reduced tillage soil management. Maintaining SOC at the new equilibrium level then becomes the main priority, which may be dependent on continuing or finding new management practices. However, there is very little data yet to assess what is happening to the SOM under these systems. For more information on how tillage methods can affect soil carbon content read our latest article via here.

This evidence demonstrates how changes in land use (grassland to cropping, cropping to forestry etc) has a significant global impact on GHG emissions both in terms of its source and sink. Recently the UK has been a net ‘sink’ for carbon, however, since 2008 there has been no significant changes in emission reductions from the agricultural sector as a whole, largely due to high demand and intensification of food production.

Grassland farming techniques for building carbon

See our Case Studies section for examples such as at Woodland Valley Farm. Techniques include optimising stocking rates, appropriate sward species and root depth, and adopting permanent pasture.