Our Services

We are committed to supporting farmers and organisations across the agri-food sector to understand and take action on their carbon emissions.

With 12+ years of experience offering technical and educational services, our work supports farmers and the wider industry to build their expertise and confidence to improve their environmental performance while producing food, fibre and public goods. This work is vital and urgent, as we experience increasing levels of climate risk, pollution and nature loss.

How we can help

This page details our support for businesses and organisations in building climate resilience. We are also happy to discuss other, bespoke types of support, to help move industry knowledge forward in this area. Please contact us to discuss further how we can help.

Transition to climate and nature-positive systems: supporting farm businesses, estates and supply chains

Typical projects include a combination of:

  • Supply chain support projects including training and workshops supporting the transition to more regenerative farming practices and systems capable of reducing business GHG emissions and halting the decline in nature;
  • Quantifying the impact of farm practice change on greenhouse gas emissions and on-farm biodiversity,
  • Quantifying the financial impact of moving to more regenerative farming systems,
  • Farm carbon footprint baseline reporting for individual businesses with aggregation to landscape level or supply chain level as required;
  • Carbon stock estimation for above-ground biomass and soils; linking it with soil health and soil health indicators;
  • Development of individual farm business and supply chain transition road maps;
  • Individual and group support to make progress on emissions reduction and carbon removal;
  • Expert technical advice to supply chains to support supply chain transformation.

Industry projects to support transition at scale, advocating for regenerative farming practices which can reduce emissions and accelerate carbon removal from the air

Farm Net Zero, Cornwall

Farm Net Zero, Cornwall

A multi-partner project supporting the farming community in Cornwall to understand more about what farmers are doing to reach net zero and to support farmers through a combination of farm baselining, development of individual plans and group activities including demonstration farms, on-farm research on relevant emissions reductions practices, carbon removals and networking events. Find out more.

“Of all the numerous initiatives and technologies which operate in the field of regenerative agriculture here in Cornwall, yours seems to me, to be the most practical (literally ‘down to earth’), useful and relevant to farmers.” Holly Whitelaw, Regenerative Food & Farming CIC.

Nitrogen Climate Smart Project

Nitrogen Climate Smart Project

A project that’s helping increase the UK’s production of pulses and legumes, replacing imported sources of proteins for livestock, while reducing the carbon footprint of arable farming systems. FCT is the carbon expert within a large multidisciplinary team led by PGRO, with a four-year remit to help reduce UK emissions from fossil fuel-derived fertilisers and the deforestation overseas, that relates to the use of imported animal feed. Find out more.

Training and Education

Our staff are passionate about helping the farming sector to develop its carbon literacy. Alongside our training courses, workshops and presentations, we believe that peer-to-peer learning and site visits are the most powerful methods for inspiring action. Activities include:

  • Development and delivery of a BASIS course on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases, Carbon and Climate Change Mitigation. Find out more.
  • Development of modules for higher-learning institutions on greenhouse gas accounting and transition road maps to net zero.
  • Delivery of bespoke training courses for farmer groups. We have good experience of engaging with a wide range of farmers and growers, breaking the subject of carbon down in ways that are engaging, practical and easily understandable.
  • Provision of our online Toolkit: a distillation of information and sign-posting, designed to galvanise actions around practice change to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration on farms.

Applied Research

Our applied research projects centre around our focus on supporting farmers to measure, understand and act on their greenhouse gas emissions through practice change. We have an emphasis towards research that’s farmer-driven and co-designed with farmers, as well as working in partnership with other organisations to increase our impact and reach. For examples of applied research, see the trials that form part of the Farm Net Zero project

Farm Carbon Calculator

The Farm Carbon Calculator is an industry-leading tool that helps farmers measure their carbon footprint. Our user-friendly interface makes it easy to calculate both emissions and sequestration on farms. It’s completely free for farmers and growers to use, independently reviewed and continually updated, drawing on the latest science. Find out more.

A Selection of Clients and Partners