Tag: Soil Health

Carbon Farmer of the Year Farm Walk at Durie Farms – November 2023

The 21st November 2023 came in as a bright and sunny day, in stark contrast to the near constant rain which had fallen for the previous weeks.

The occasion was the farm walk for FCT’s Carbon Farmer of the Year Competition on the winner’s farm – Doug Christie of Durie Farms, Fife. Durie Farms is a mixed farm combining arable and cattle enterprises, organic and non-organic as well as woodland.

Liz Bowles (Left) CEO of Farm Carbon Toolkit welcoming people to the farm walk

Before we set out on the walk, Doug introduced his farm and explained some of the practices he has adopted which earned him the title of Carbon Farmer of the Year.

Fundamentals include the incorporation of conservation agriculture (minimum till cultivations and more complex arable rotations including peas and legumes within the rotation as standard) and the integration of extensively managed cattle within the whole farm. Central to this has been regular soil analysis with records going back to 2006. These records include soil organic matter which means that Doug is able to track soil carbon changes over time too. Unusually for the time, Doug also measured soil bulk density  which makes carbon stocks estimates more accurate. Alongside measuring soil carbon stocks, Doug also keeps enterprise fuel allocation records which has allowed him to have a much better understanding of hot spot areas. Through doing this he was able to identify the high fuel usage associated with housing cattle in the winter. This knowledge together with his adoption of holistic grazing practices has enabled him to keep cattle out longer,  with some groups of cattle e.g. in calf heifers now not being housed at all.

Our first stop on the farm walk was the large heap of brushwood next to the farm lane (a result of woodland management) and a question posed to the walkers as to how best to deal with this. Burning the pile would release a lot of carbon dioxide, but would that be less than chipping the pile and then burning it as a fuel? Or what about leaving it to break down naturally and possibly combine with farmyard manure and use as a soil amendment?  Now we are starting to look at these things through a number of lenses, these are the sort of questions farmers are increasingly grappling with.

The first field we entered was growing a cover crop, established in mid – late August after a cereal crop.

Doug Christie  (on the right, spade in hand) describing the cover crop

Doug now makes up his own cover crop mixes using farm saved seeds when possible. The cover crop had really motored on since early September and was providing pretty good canopy cover, in flower and up to waist height.  This cover crop will be holding nutrients in the soil, keeping living roots in place and improving soil structure through the varied rooting depths of the different plants in the cover crop.  Doug puts cover crops in place wherever possible and, for cereal harvesting, uses a stripper header leaving straw to rot down and provide food for earthworms. This was evident when inspecting a soil pit where the number of worms was high – worms everywhere. In fact this field which had been harvested with a stripper header, and had been undersown with a grass clover mix, with cattle having been mob grazed across it a few weeks earlier. The cattle had removed some of the straw and helped to break down the rest, and on the day of the farm walk it was clear that the grass clover sward was coming away nicely. Testament to the improving soil health at Durie Farms is the fact that Doug sold his subsoiler some years ago- surplus to requirements!

Doug shared with the group that he has not used insecticides since 2003 and is now working closely with the James Hutton Institute to carry out research on his farm. He has a fantastic site to investigate the impacts of this decision on insect life on the farm.

Arriving at the in calf heifers as we walked across the farm, it was clear they were wondering if it was time to make their move for the day. 

In calf heifers curious to know what we were talking about

Donald Christie, Doug’s son commented that since moving to holistic grazing and generally daily moves the cattle have become much more biddable, and in the move to outdoor wintering the challenge has been to make sure that this group do not carry too much weight as they approach calving. They receive no supplementary feeding when on grass.  One of the group commented that since adopting holistic grazing cattle health has improved and that the growth rate of outwintered animals surpassed that of housed cattle the following spring.

The group asked Doug what he is doing to reduce his reliance on artificial N fertilisers, one of the hot spots for arable farmers. Through improving soil health and bringing pulses and legumes into his cropping rotation Doug has reduced his reliance on granular urea by 30% since 2009. Yields have gone down but net margin is up. When choosing inputs such as fertiliser it is worth noting that different branded products, produced in different parts of the world, may have very different emissions factors. At Farm Carbon Toolkit, we offer Calculator users the ability to choose the product they have used so an accurate figure for emissions will be included.

The group also tackled the topic of cattle and methane, with an acknowledgement of how complex this topic is. The box below discusses the reasons for looking at a better mechanism for accounting for methane, one of the shortest lived greenhouse gases and one which is produced by ruminants as an intrinsic function of rumen function. 

What is becoming clearer is that how cattle are managed will have an impact on their overall impacts on our environment. Certainly Doug is minimising their negative impacts, through minimising their consumption of foods which could be eaten by humans directly, minimising their use of other sources of emissions such as fertiliser and fuel and making sure that their grazing activity has a positive impact on the soils they stand on and sequestering as much carbon as possible in their wake.

Accounting for methane: GWP* and GWP100
GWP (Global Warming Potential) is a measure of how much impact a gas will have on warming the atmosphere. The most common method to evaluate the effect of different greenhouse gases (GHGs) is by comparing them over a 100-year lifetime; this is known as GWP100. This is the internationally agreed metric chosen under the Paris Agreement and the primary tool for emission reduction targets globally. 

Using GWP, it’s possible to compare the impact of different GHGs by converting them to their carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) value. The latest research suggests that using GWP100, biogenic methane emissions are 27 times more powerful than CO2; and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions are 273 times more powerful. However, unlike CO2 and N2O gases that last for hundreds of years in the atmosphere, methane only lasts for an average of 12 years after which most of it is broken down. This means that using GWP100, the impacts of methane could be considered overestimated in the long-term, and underestimated in the short term. 

In an aim to better account for methane, in 2016, a team of researchers proposed a new metric, known as GWP* that works over a 20 year period. Over a 20 year period, emitting a tonne of methane today has 80 times more temperature impact than carbon dioxide. However, the new metric is also designed to reflect the warming impact of ongoing emissions of methane in relation to the current levels of that gas in the atmosphere. The theory is that, over time, ongoing emissions are not adding warming to the atmosphere, but merely replacing old emissions that have degraded. Essentially, GWP* focuses on changes in emissions rather than absolute emissions. This accounting approach has been gathering support within UK agriculture sector, however it does also face some criticism (example).

As we turned for home, and the beckoning hot drinks and cakes, conversation turned to reducing the negative impacts of growing potatoes and the potential for woodland to sequester carbon into trees. On the topic of reducing the harms associated with growing potatoes there is a clear role for keeping living roots in the soil for as much of the year as possible, but to date no alternative has been found to the punishing soil management routine required to grow potatoes, although research is underway.

Liz explaining to the group how woodland is accounted for in the Farm Carbon Calculator

Doug has 50ha of woodland across the farm, with different areas having been in place from 10 -240 years. As his summary carbon footprint report shows, the woodland at Durie Farms alongside soil carbon sequestration offset the business GHG emissions last year. Of the total sequestration, woodland contributed around 50%. It is worth noting that the carbon sequestration associated with woodland depends on the growth rate of the tree. The Woodland Carbon Code has developed “look up tables” for this which the Farm Carbon Calculator  has incorporated into the sequestration area of the Calculator. For users, providing accurate information on the age of the trees as well as their varieties will enable a more accurate assessment of the scale of sequestration to be given. A rule of thumb is that most trees sequester only small amounts of carbon for the first decade or so of life. From the age of around 15 – 30 years carbon sequestration is at its maximum. After that age growth tends to slow down and with it carbon sequestration.

Doug is continually trying new ideas, with pasture cropping a new initiative he has ‘frustratingly’ tried this year. Doug’s long term membership of BASE UK  has supported him in his quest for adopting new and more sustainable farming practices. A quick look at the BASE UK website revealed a number  of fascinating events coming up in the next month including this one:

14/12/23 BASE-UK Member Nick Wall will present his review of the study tour recently taken by 15 members to visit Frederic Thomas and other BASE France members in November 2023 – it wasn’t all good food and drink – there was some learning involved! 

Back in the cattle yard (not in use yet) we finished with a round up of questions, answers and general discussion.

Thank you to our hosts, the Christie Family, for a memorable farm walk and great hospitality.

Risky Crops

Certain crops (potatoes, sugar beet, maize, field vegetables) within a wider arable rotation pose increased risk of soil loss or degradation. Often described as ‘risky’ these crops may require additional management to ensure that field conditions are favourable and that there is no long-term disruption to soil functionality or structure. 

Aside from the impact upon soil, ‘risky crops’ are often those which have a potentially higher financial burden through the obstacles of production. Rising input costs, labour shortages and ever increasing inflation presents additional challenges to high-risk, high-reward crops. These two elements (soil management and economics) are additionally impacted through the changing climate with record temperatures and rainfall events.

Root crops, maize and field vegetables are often at high risk for soil degradation. The likely drastic requirements for cultivation during seedbed preparation is a vast source of emissions through direct carbon losses from soil alongside the burning of fossil fuels from machinery. Cultivating soils and the subsequent disturbance allows for greater oxidation of the soil profile, therefore promoting the fast metabolism of aerobic species of microorganisms which utilise the ‘active’ pool of soil organic matter for respiration, consequently releasing CO2 as a by-product. Furthermore, cultivation of soil which reduces the stability of the soil structure can also be at risk of direct losses of carbon bound to soil aggregates through processes such as erosion either through wind-blow, run-off or direct soil loss.  Therefore, depending upon a number of factors such as previous cropping, soil type, intensity of cultivation and moisture content, cultivated soil will lose soil organic matter at differing rates. Where land is under continual cultivation, as is much of UK arable land, reducing the frequency, depth and intensity of cultivations will reduce this soil carbon loss alongside providing alternative carbon sources as feedstock for microorganisms when cultivation is required. 

Changing the crop establishment system to reduce the frequency and intensity of cultivations will provide an immediate reduction in farm greenhouse gas emissions. Increasing organic carbon within the soil requires the building of soil organic matter through methods such as diversifying crop rotation, reducing tillage (frequency and depth) and utilising cover cropping to maintain a living root. 

Long-term rotational planning can increase the resilience of soil, using previous and subsequent cropping and management choices to minimise the impact of risky crops. To reduce the ‘risk’ of risky crops soil protection is central. Ensuring that soils are covered throughout the rotation and contain a living root for as high proportion as possible helps guard the soil from physical degradation from climatic events. Therefore, consider growing a cover crop before spring planting to scavenge nutrients over the winter period and condition soils, alongside aiming to re-plant a cover as soon as the risky crop is harvested to avoid long over-winter periods of soil erosion. Maximising the inherent soil structure and functionality throughout the rotation creates a more resilient baseline where the stresses of high cultivation, inputs and exposure to the elements occurs in high risk crops.

In grassland systems herbal leys, diverse swards and a rotational or mob grazing platform provides an excellent starting point for soils before a high-risk crop or to repair potential damage. Likewise a diverse arable rotation which incorporates cover, inter, companion or catch-cropping to protect the soil surface and provide additional rooting architecture will be a huge benefit; tired land, used to high input use, heavy cultivation and monoculture systems will be less resilient to stress (environmental, mechanical etc) than a healthy vibrant soil. 

A healthy soil is likely to provide better economic returns – with processes such as fertility, water infiltration, gas exchange, rooting capacity and nutrient availability all benefited by a well structured, high quality soil. Soil organic matter can often indicate the health of a functional mineral soil, with the higher the percentage content normally suggesting the best quality. Understanding how soil organic matter can be lost during high risk cropping processes (discussed earlier) can help to mitigate and safeguard it within the rotation. Losing soil organic matter continuously depletes the soil fertility and consequently the likely economic potential of that land. 

This blog was written by Emma Adams, one of our Farm Carbon and Soils Advisors, to read about our team head here.

More information:

For further information on species selection of cover crops and the results of the Farm Net Zero trails please see the resources below:

Press release: 2024 Carbon Farmer of the Year Winner Announced!

The winner and runners-up of the 2024 Carbon Farmer of the Year competition were announced at the Farm Carbon Toolkit’s Annual Field Day in Herefordshire.

Now in its second year, the annual Carbon Farmer of the Year competition is organised by the Farm Carbon Toolkit and generously sponsored by HSBC Agriculture UK. The competition aims to find farmers and growers who are engaged with–and passionate about–reducing their business’s climate impact through changing management practices to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

2024 Carbon Farmer of the Year Overall winner:

  • Andrew Brewer of Ennis Barton, Fraddon, Cornwall (Dairy farmer supplying Arla UK)

2024 Carbon Farmer of the Year Runners-up:

  • Jason Mitchell, Gary Logue, and Adam Moore of Greenville Dairies Ltd, Newton Stewart, Northern Ireland (Dairy farmer supplying Lakeland Dairies)
  • Tom Burge of Oaremead Farm, Lynton, Devon (Upland beef and sheep farmer)

Competition judges, Steve Dunkley (HSBC UK), David Cope (Head of Sustainability at Duchy of Cornwall), and Liz Bowles (CEO Farm Carbon Toolkit) were very impressed with the commitment and innovation shown by all the finalists in identifying sources of GHG emissions on their farms and developing strategies to both reduce emissions and increase the rate of carbon removal into soils and non-crop biomass.

L to R: Steve Dunkley / HSBC UK Ltd, Liz Bowles / Farm Carbon Toolkit, Tom Burge / Tom Burge / Oaremead Farm, Andrew Brewer / Ennis Barton, Adel Tajouri/ Greenville Dairies Ltd, Terry Mitchell / Greenville Dairies, David Cope / Duchy of Cornwall

Liz Bowles, Chief Executive Officer at Farm Carbon Toolkit, says:

Once again, the Carbon Farmer of the Year competition has identified some truly inspirational farmers. All our finalists have made great strides in reducing business reliance on fossil fuels through changes to their farming practices and careful soil management to reduce GHG emissions and sequester carbon.

It was particularly positive to see a dairy farm winning this year’s competition, given that dairy farming is often in the media spotlight for  its adverse environmental impact. We are looking forward to showcasing the many effective ways that our finalists are reducing on-farm emissions and increasing carbon storage for others to see at free farm walks over the coming months. Watch this space!

Steve Dunkley, HSBC UK Agriculture, says:

HSBC UK Agriculture is pleased to support the 2024 Carbon Farmer of the Year competition. The quality of entries has been superb and hugely inspiring. As a business, we’re very keen to support the agriculture industry in transitioning towards net zero. While that will take many forms, we have the ambition to help farmers fund investment in the new practices and technologies needed to evolve.

“The Carbon Farmer of the Year competition is a great way of showcasing how farmers are already achieving these changes and encouraging others to follow their lead.

About the Farm Carbon Toolkit and the Carbon Farmer of the Year competition

Farm Carbon Toolkit is an independent, farmer-led Community Interest Company, supporting farmers to measure, understand and act on their greenhouse gas emissions, while improving their business resilience for the future.

For over a decade, Farm Carbon Toolkit has delivered a range of practical projects, tools and services that have inspired real action on the ground. Organisations they work with include the Duchy of Cornwall, First Milk, Tesco, Yeo Valley and WWF. The Farm Carbon Calculator is a leading on-farm carbon audit tool, used by over 7,000 farmers in the UK and beyond. To find out more visit www.farmcarbontoolkit.org.uk 

The Carbon Farmer of the Year competition aims to recognise and champion farmers, sector organisations, and businesses who are leading the way in adopting farming practices and developing new technologies that are helping to reduce farm emissions while optimising output. 

This competition allows for discussions on greenhouse gas emissions and sinks on farms to be framed in a very practical way to allow for maximum engagement with the issue. Farm Carbon Toolkit facilitates discussion and information sharing between farmers and other actors, which ultimately leads to changes in on-farm practice.

The long-term objective of this competition is to create a network of alumni who are changing their management practices to better manage emission and carbon storage on farmland, and who will inspire others through activity, practical demonstrations, and advocacy for changing management practices.


Press release: 2024 CFOTY finalists announced!

Farm Carbon Toolkit announces shortlisted farms for the 2024 Carbon  Farmer of the Year competition 

Four farmers from across the UK – including three dairy farms – have been shortlisted for this year’s Carbon Farmer of the Year competition in recognition of their efforts to reduce their business’s climate impact.

The 2024 Carbon Farmer of the Year Shortlist:

  • Andrew Brewer from Ennis Barton, Fraddon, Cornwall (Arla supplier)
  • Jason Mitchell, Gary Logue and Adam Moore from Greenville Dairies Ltd, Newton Stewart, Northern Ireland  (Lakeland supplier)
  • Tom Burge from Oaremead Farm, Lynton, Devon 
  • Wesley Semple from Derryduff Farm, Dungiven, Northern Ireland  (Lakeland supplier)

Now in its second year, the annual Carbon Farmer of the Year competition is organised by the Farm Carbon Toolkit and generously sponsored by HSBC Agriculture UK.

The competition aims to find farmers and growers who are engaged with, and passionate about reducing their business’s climate impact through changing management practice to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their businesses. 

As part of the competition, the top three farmers will host free farm walks that bring farmers together to share good practice and innovations that result in reduced emissions, as well as improving carbon removal into soils, trees, hedges and non-crop biomass. The competition is becoming widely recognised by organisations working to reduce the emissions from UK agriculture, with many promoting it to their networks to increase participation.

Rob Purdew, Farm Carbon and Soil Advisor with Farm Carbon Toolkit, says 

“We’ve been blown away by the quality of the entries for this year’s Carbon Farmer of the Year competition The sheer variety of entries for this year’s competition highlights the fact that, despite differences in farming systems and locations, many farmers are finding truly innovative ways to reduce their business greenhouse gas emissions.

It is particularly positive to see three dairy farmers in this year’s shortlist, given that dairy farming is often in the media spotlight in terms of its environmental impact. We are working with numerous dairy farmers and dairy industry projects that are already showcasing that this doesn’t need to be the case, and that farmers can make simple management changes to significantly improve their carbon and environmental footprints. We’re grateful to everyone who took the time and effort to enter.

Steve Dunkley, HSBC Agriculture, says 

HSBC UK Agriculture is pleased to support the 2024 Carbon Farmer of the Year competition and  the quality of entries has been superb and hugely inspiring. As a business, we’re very keen to support the industry in transitioning towards net zero. While that will take many forms, we have the ambition to help farmers fund investment in the new practices and technologies needed to evolve. The Carbon Farmer of the Year competition is a great way of showcasing how farmers are already achieving these changes and encouraging others to follow their lead.

The judging process now involves visiting each of the four finalists to learn more about their farming practices before selecting the winners.

The winners of the 2024 Carbon Farmer of the Year competition will be announced at the Farm Carbon Toolkit Annual Field Day on the 26th September 2024, this year kindly hosted by 2023 Soil Farmer of the Year winner Billy Lewis at Boycefield Farm, Dilwyn, Herefordshire. A day for farmers, by farmers, the FCT Annual Field Day is about sharing practical experiences for improving performance and resilience in a challenging environment with this year’s event focusing on the value of mixed farming.

Open farm walks at the top three farms will be scheduled to take place in November and December 2024.

For further details about the 2024 Carbon Farmer of the Year competition, contact Rob Purdew, Carbon and Soil Advisor with the Farm Carbon Toolkit, at [email protected]

For more information, visit www.farmcarbontoolkit.org.uk/carbon-farmer-of-the-year/

Notes to Editors

Farm Carbon Toolkit is an independent, farmer-led Community Interest Company, supporting farmers to measure, understand and act on their greenhouse gas emissions, while improving their business resilience for the future.

The Farm Carbon Calculator uses the IPCC 2019 and UK GHG Inventory methodologies and is aligned with the GHG protocol agricultural guidance.  Recent development has allowed us to provide greater interoperability with other data platforms through our Report Export API and Carbon Calculation Engine API. This represents a step-change in the industry’s ability to provide trustworthy carbon footprints with transparent methodologies on platforms where farmers already collect data, thus reducing the data inputting onus on farmers. This new functionality has been warmly welcomed by supply chain businesses who are now using our Calculation Engine to support their customers without need for further data entry.

The Farm Carbon Calculator is used across the UK and on four continents with  global usage growing at around 20% per year.

For over a decade, Farm Carbon Toolkit has delivered a range of practical projects, tools and services that have inspired real action on the ground. Organisations they work with include the Duchy of Cornwall, First Milk, Tesco, Yeo Valley and WWF. The Farm Carbon Calculator is a leading on-farm carbon audit tool, used by over 8,000 farmers in the UK and beyond. To find out more visit www.farmcarbontoolkit.org.uk  

Press release: 2023 SFOTY winners announced!

Now in its eighth year, the annual Soil Farmer of the Year competition is organised by the Farm Carbon Toolkit in partnership with Innovation for Agriculture and, this year, generously sponsored by Hutchinsons and Cotswold Seeds.

The competition aims to find farmers and growers who are engaged with, and passionate about managing their soils in a way which supports productive agriculture, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and builds soil health, organic matter and carbon.

The 2023 Soil Farmer of the Year Winners:

  • 1st Place – Stuart Johnson, West Wharmley Farm, Hexham (pictured above right)
  • 2nd Place – Richard Anthony, R&L Anthony Ltd, Bridgend (pictured above, centre)
  • 3rd Place – Bronagh O’Kane, Drumard Farm, Cookstown (pictured above, left)

The 2023 Soil Farmer of the Year Finalists:

  • 🚜 Debbie Wilkins, Norton Court Farm, Gloucestershire
  • 🚜 Ed Horton, Poulton fields Farm, Gloucestershire
  • 🚜 Andrew Jackson, Holme Hall Farm, Lincolnshire

The 2023 Soil Farmer of the Year Highly Commended:

  • 🚜 Robert Neave, Lincolnshire
  • 🚜 Jonathan Hodgson, East Yorkshire
  • 🚜 John Sansone, Worcestershire
  • 🚜 William Oliver, Leicestershire

SFOTY farm walks – save the dates!

As part of the competition, the top three farmers will host open farm walks that bring farmers together to share good practice and innovations that improve soil health. The farm walks at the top three winning farms are scheduled to take place later in the year, with full details to be announced on the Farm Carbon Toolkit website and twitter, with booking through Eventbrite.

  • 🥾 4th October 2023 – Stuart Johnson, Hexham
  • 🥾 11th October 2023 – Bronagh O’Kane, Cookstown
  • 🥾 TBC – Richard Antony, Bridgend

The competition is widely recognised by organisations working in soil management, with many promoting it to their networks to increase participation.

Emma Adams, Farm Carbon and Soil Advisor with Farm Carbon Toolkit, says 

“This year’s Soil Farmer of the Year competition saw the most diverse range of applications so far, we’ve been blown away by the number and quality of the entries this year. The competition is going from strength to strength, with the standard of farms continuing to demonstrate the progress made in UK agriculture. Indeed, the sheer variety of entries highlights the fact that, despite the many differences in farming systems and locations, the soil connects us all. We’re very grateful to everyone who took the time and effort to enter.”

Deborah Crossan, Innovation for Agriculture, says

“As the Soil Farmer of the Year competition gains momentum and the numbers of entries reach their highest level so far, the summer walks at the winning farms represent a not-to-be-missed opportunity for farmers to see first-hand the innovation and change that leads to excellent soil management.“

The judging process now involves visiting each of the six finalists to learn more about their farming practices before selecting the winners.

The winners of the 2023 competition were announced at Groundswell: The Regenerative Agriculture Show and Conference, which runs from 28th – 29th June 2023 at Lannock Manor Farm, Hertfordshire. 

Open farm walks at the top three winning farms are scheduled to take place later in the year, with details to be announced on the Farm Carbon Toolkit website and twitter.

Further details:

For further details about the 2023 Soil Farmer of the Year competition, contact Emma Adams, Senior Advisor with the Farm Carbon Toolkit, at [email protected]

For more information, visit farmcarbontoolkit.org.uk/soil-farmer-of-the-year

Nitrogen Efficient Plants for Climate Smart Arable Cropping Systems

Farm Carbon Toolkit is excited to be part of an ambitious new research project to explore the huge potential of UK-grown pulses and legumes to address the climate crisis and replace imported soya meal.

The Nitrogen Efficient Plants for Climate Smart Arable Cropping Systems (NCS) project will involve 17 industry partners and 200 UK farms in farm trials and other research to grow more pulses in the UK, reduce artificial fertiliser use, and find ways to use UK-grown pulses to reduce reliance on imported soya meal used in livestock diets.

Led by PGRO, the consortium of UK companies, research institutes and farmer networks, the research project will seek to support farmers in reducing agricultural emissions by up to 1.5Mt CO₂e per annum (or 54% of the maximum potential for UK agriculture) through increasing pulse cropping in arable rotations and substituting up to 50% of imported soya currently used in feed with more climate-friendly, home-grown pulses and legumes.

“We are delighted to be involved in the Nitrogen Efficient Plants for Climate Smart Arable Cropping Systems project, which could be a game changer for UK agriculture,”

says Liz Bowles, CEO at Farm Carbon Toolkit. 

“Working with farmers to trial the latest pulse varieties and on-farm research and innovation in real-life situations, the four-year project seeks to significantly increase pulse and legume cropping areas across the UK, reducing emissions from artificial fertilisers and deforestation associated with soya production, and improving productivity and soil health on British farms.”

As project partners, Farm Carbon Toolkit will provide baseline farm carbon audits for the farms taking part in the research trials, as well as monitoring changes over the life of the programme. We will also be using the findings to inform how our Farm Carbon Calculator estimates both emissions and carbon removals associated with growing pulses and legumes within UK crop rotations.

Are you a Pulse Pioneer?

The first stage of the project will give 200 UK farmers direct support to establish their business’ carbon baseline, using our Farm Carbon Toolkit. The GHG emissions from these farms will then be tracked throughout the project and will form a fundamental part of the dataset.

Next, the leading innovators among them will be paid to work with scientists to co-design crop and feeding trials to carry out on their farms. These ‘Pulse Pioneers’ will explore ways and means for soils to thrive, crop yields to build and livestock productivity to flourish, through better use and marketing of home-grown pulses and legumes.

Get involved

We’re urging interested farmers to get involved as soon as possible.

The NCS project will officially launch on the PGRO stand at this year’s Cereals Event (13-14 June), with a follow up no-obligation webinar to explain more about it and what’s on offer at 2pm on Thursday 15th June 2023.

Sign up now for the no-obligation webinar on Thursday 15th June at 2:00pm


It was very hard work, but we have shortlisted six farmers as finalists for the 2023 Soil Farmer of the Year competition!

Organised by the Farm Carbon Toolkit and Innovation for Agriculture — and generously sponsored by Hutchinsons and Cotswold Seeds — the Soil Farmer of the Year Competition helps to identify, promote, and champion UK farmers who are passionate about safeguarding their soils and building resilient businesses.

This year we had so many wonderful entries that we have decided to award ‘Highly Commended’ to those farmers and growers who impressed the judges, but unfortunately didn’t quite make the shortlist. Well done to them all!

We really are grateful to everyone who took the time and effort to enter and who helped make this such a difficult competition to judge, as well as to our kind sponsors.

The 2023 Soil Farmer of the Year Finalists:

  • 🚜 Richard Antony, R&L Anthony Ltd, Bridgend
  • 🚜 Debbie Wilkins, Norton Court Farm, Gloucestershire
  • 🚜 Ed Horton, Poulton fields Farm, Gloucestershire
  • 🚜 Stuart Johnson, West Wharmley Farm, Hexham
  • 🚜 Andrew Jackson, Holme Hall Farm, Lincolnshire
  • 🚜 Bronagh O’Kane, Drumard Farm, Cookstown

Highly Commended:

  • Jonathan Hodgson, Great Newsome Farm, East Yorkshire
  • John Sansome, Woodfield Farm, Worcestershire
  • Will Oliver, Swepstone Fields Farm, Leicestershire
  • Robert Neave, The Manor, Lincolnshire

The judges have already started visiting the finalists this week to learn more about their farming practices and we’ll announce the winners at a special event at the Groundswell Show and Conference at 5.30pm on 28 June 2023.

The winning farms will also host open farm walks later in the year, bringing farmers together to share best practice and innovations that improve soil health.

Stay tuned for more info!

FCT publishes its 2023 Annual review

We are pleased to announce the publication of our 2023 Annual review. This document looks back over the year to celebrate our achievements and share how our organisation is supporting the agri food sector to play its best part to deliver a nature friendly decarbonisation.

As a not for profit organisation we are constantly working to improve the ways we function and deliver our services to ensure maximum impact.  We recently completed two major projects to upgrade our Calculator, supported by Innovate UK and the Tesco & WWF Sustainability Innovation Fund. These have helped us to align with new industry guidance and to provide greater interoperability with other data platforms, reducing the data inputting onus on farmers. This new functionality has been warmly welcomed by supply chain businesses who are now using our Calculation Engine to support their customers without need for further data entry.

  • Our 2023 review demonstrates a selection of some of the exciting projects and partnerships we have been working on, and discusses some of the continual developments to our Farm Carbon Calculator and the services we provide to the sector. This is all set within the crucial context of emissions reductions on farms alongside business resilience and improving biodiversity.
  • We provide evidence on how broadly we engage with the farming community and the extent and effectiveness of our outreach activities.
  • Every year we publish our own emissions footprint, which we are committed to reducing as quickly and effectively as possible.

You can read the review here.

We really hope you enjoy reading it, if you have any questions or comments we’d love to hear from you. You can find our contact details on the final page of the review or at the bottom left of all our website pages.

Warm regards,

The FCT team.

Mixed Soil Farmer of the Year 2022 – Farm walk with Billy Lewis

Our 2022 Mixed Soil Farmer of the Year, Billy Lewis, is based at Boycefield Farm in Herefordshire on a 350 acre beef and sheep farm. The farm soils are medium loamy with areas of heavy clay. Billy’s business includes around 100 head of pedigree Hereford cattle, a flock of 300 ewes and an additional arable enterprise. In October 2022 over 100 farmers, advisors and industry personnel met at Boycefield to learn more about the system that led Billy to win the competition.


Billy’s approach was historically sympathetic and typical of many mixed farms, with grassland alongside an arable area used to produce crops and fodder to raise livestock. However previous management on the arable land has seen some degradation through root crops in the rotation, in particular lifting potatoes in the wet harvest of 2008 and grass yields were stagnant. Over the past 5 years the farm has seen some radical changes with regards to soil management and, consequently, this has improved profitability in both the arable and grassland systems with reduced requirement for artificial inputs. Billy has transitioned away from renting land for potatoes and a predominantly high-input, plough based-system on the arable side, and an overall reliance on bagged nitrogen across the whole farm.

Now management is focused on a direct drilling regime, living mulches, catch and cover cropping alongside integrating livestock into the arable system to maintain diversity throughout the farm. Furthermore, the grazing platform has developed from a field-by-field rotational grazing system over the past 3 years to that of a high-impact, long recovery mob grazing approach; transitioning from monoculture grass leys into diverse herbal and legume leys with added natural regeneration of plants within the historic seedbank, resulting in a near total removal of artificial nitrogen requirement. 

The Soil Farmer of the Year farm walk at Boycefield Farm, Herefordshire. Exploring the management and system used by Billy Lewis, our Mixed Farm winner of 2022’s competition.

Speaking to the group, Billy described his process in altering the management undertaken at the farm,

“The first year we started putting up a few electric fences over a small area to try rotational grazing. Alongside this we tried around 5 acres of direct drilling. As these two approaches worked quite well the year after we increased the area and so on and so forth.”

The focus at Boycefield is upon building soil health and quality to increase the resilience of the system (either grassland or arable) alongside a capacity to utilise the nutrients already available below the ground,

“Our approach on the farm is to use what we have on the farm – sun, rain and the soil – if we get the soil right then in theory everything should fall into line.”

To aid this Billy has an integrated system whereby all of the farm with the exception of the permanent pasture will rotate between arable and forage cropping, with livestock featured throughout regardless of what is planted,

“We tend to have three years of cereals with grazable cover or catch crops followed by three years in grass or herbal leys to build the fertility – this is either silaged or grazed depending on what is required for the year”.

Maximising above and below-ground diversity is central to the management approach at Boycefield farm, cover and catch crops are used throughout the arable system allowing livestock to feature throughout the rotation.

Much of the permanent pasture is zero input, without cultivation or additional manures outside of what is deposited during grazing from animal impact, Billy explains,

“Since beginning our rotational grazing system we no longer apply fertiliser to our permanent pasture. You will grow ten times more grass with an electric fence than you will with a bag of fertiliser”.

Across Boycefield farm fertiliser use has been reduced by more than 50% over the last three years,

“The ultimate aim is to no longer use pesticides or artificial fertilisers.”

Conversion to mob grazing

Historically fields were set stocked, Billy believed that this was a main blocker on the potential biodiversity of the farm. A mob grazing system with long rest periods allows the natural seedbank within the soil to regenerate. The cattle are on a 48 hour system, whereby they are moved into a new paddock every two days with each paddock being grazed around 5 times throughout the summer season. 

Billy demonstrates his grazing system, utilising the approach of graze a third, leave a third and trample a third,

“The livestock are kept happy with the grass available, whilst the plants left have leaf area to continue photosynthesising and the remaining third which is trampled in is boosting the below-ground biology.”

The farm utilises a leader-follower system, where the sheep graze in-front with the cattle following behind; this allows the sheep to take the majority of the lush and tall grass which is less suitable for the Hereford cattle, which perform better on the permanent or older grass pastures. On a particularly tricky year with the drought Billy discussed how this system had fared,

“It has become apparent that this is the method we should be using to grow grass, fields we went into with high covers recovered faster with ground moisture being maintained alongside that remaining leaf area.”

Although the system is based on 48 hour moves between paddocks, Billy keeps this flexible – altering the area available in cases such as holidays or in the extreme heat to allow for better shading,

“The grazing system is a balancing act between your own life and the farm life – I don’t get too hung up on moving animals or having a set plan so we can adapt to the season, the demands of the animals and the ground”.

In regards to the performance of the livestock, Billy shares,

“The stock know that every 2 to 3 days they will be moved to fresh grass – they are calm, happy and well. The cattle have a lovely shine to their coats and lambs are performing really well on a purely forage based diet.”

On the farm tour Billy demonstrated his rotational grazing system to the group, showing how livestock are moved on a 48 hour system to a new paddock and fresh grazing. 

Cattle are wormed a week prior to turn-out when in the shed but treatment is not repeated – Billy relies on regular movement and an increased sward height to reduce the parasitic worm burden and likewise increase the dung beetle population through minimising anthelmintics onto the pasture. Billy mentions that a group of lambs made it to market this year without a single worming treatment, he explains,

“We would never not treat an animal if we thought the need was there, however, with our system worming is no longer a high priority – the animals tend to stay ahead of them and therefore have much lower contact.”

Focusing on soil health has helped Billy grow far more forage, aiding livestock performance and the recovery of pastures to extend the grazing season.


Cattle are housed over winter and all of the resulting farmyard manure is composted and then used on the arable fields, either into a standing crop in the spring or prior to drilling in the autumn. Billy describes,

“With compost it is a case of little and often.”

Adapting the compost to field requirement, Billy has previously added solid digestate fibre to his compost mix to increase the nutrient content available. All of the straw from the arable system is baled to use in the livestock, however it is then returned via the compost which Billy sees as far more beneficial to the soil and crop being grown. The compost is produced through windrowing the muck and using a compost turner to mix, around about 4 to 5 times before the finished product is realised – being much more in texture to that of the soil, being capable of spreading around 24m at a rate of 6-10 tonnes per hectare. 

Boycefield Farm produces pedigree Hereford Cattle, with 2022 marking the bicentenary of the Lewis family breeding herd.

Diversity and reducing inputs

The group looked at an arable field that was just coming out of the three year fertility break – consequently the field has been planted with a three-way blend of wheat (Extase, Costello and Graham) using a direct drill. The seed used is currently dressed, however in the coming years Billy looks to minimise this,

“We are aiming to have half of the wheat undressed next year, we have wireworm within the soils but are yet to see worrying levels of damage – there is so much variety in the soils and also in what we are growing above ground, they don’t seem to bother with the crop”.

Billy uses contractors for some of the cultivation and spraying work, so minimising the number of passes required equally reduces the overall spend requirement for the crop. The field was sprayed off with glyphosate at 2.5 l/ha with 0.5 l/ha of fulvic acid and 80g of citric acid, which left a clover understorey to act as a living mulch for the combinable crops. Billy explains,

“Traditionally I wouldn’t go out of my way to establish clover in an arable crop, but as it is already here and very well established I will capitalise on it. We have done it the last three years and seen some good successes.”

He continues,

“As much diversity you can get in a system the better, in what is usually a monoculture crop of wheat we now have clover roots and three different varieties”.

Billy now manages clover understories within his arable rotation, providing extensive benefits in crop nutrition, water infiltration and soil health.

When looking at a field which has had a clover understorey for the past two seasons Billy explains his method,

“Originally this was wheat direct drilled into a herbal ley and the clover persisted, after harvest we then direct drilled some more mustard and phacelia in to provide some different rooting architecture and sheep grazing. We grazed around 70 sheep for 10 days on the field which could take back the green cover before we have now planted our second wheat.”

Billy uses Humber Palmers fertiliser in a three way split, of roughly 10kg in March and then a following 20kg later in the season before the final dose which is applied as a foliar with humates. The fertiliser program going forward is much reduced to the traditional application rate, Billy explains,

“We are budgeting 50 kg of nitrogen per hectare for this wheat crop, last year the wheat with a living mulch had 60 kg of nitrogen per hectare and one fungicide at T2 and yielded over 10 t/ha, making it likely the most profitable crop of wheat we’ve ever grown on the farm. Therefore it would be nice to go zero fungicide this year and reduce the fertiliser rate further, however if the crop is looking stressed or like it needs more we would always consider increasing the inputs.”

Having livestock available to the arable system keeps management flexible, with Billy having the capacity to graze particularly forward crops to reduce the requirement for fungicides later in the season.

Restoring soil health with cover cropping

The walk visited one of the poorest fields on the farm, which is currently undergoing a process to restore soil quality, health and fertility. Billy explained to the group,

“We started in here with a winter cover crop which was grazed off by lambs intended to go into spring barley. However the field was still very poor and with the current fertiliser prices we didn’t feel like we would get anything other than a marginal crop – so instead we planted a summer cover crop (buckwheat, phacelia, mustard, chicory, oats, crimson clover, rye, vetch) and focussed on restoring the soil to a position where the field could function in our low-input system.”

The field has now been direct drilled with a GS4 herbal ley as part of the farm’s stewardship scheme, with a planned winter grazing to remove any remaining plants from the summer cover crop – anything that is left within the herbal ley will be seen as a bonus to the overall diversity. 

One of the fields at Boycefield currently in a GS4 herbal ley as part of a fertility building strategy to improve soil functionality before returning to the arable rotation.

Further explaining the cover cropping system, Billy showed the group a previous oat stubble with freshly drilled winter wheat,

“This field had compost in the spring for the oat crop, straight after combining we establish a catch crop (mustard, buckwheat and phacelia) with a disc drill to create a little tilth and allow any weeds to chit. This catch crop will be in the ground for 6-7 weeks to capture the sunlight and keep the soil life ticking over and cycling nutrients before we desiccate it and drill the following crop.”

Upon digging a hole, Billy mentions,

“When we have been out digging we have noticed some phenomenal plant Rhizosheaths, most noticeably in our cover crops where the plant roots are absolutely laden in soil. This is a great sign, it shows us that our soil biology is functioning and forming great symbiotic relationships with the crop.”

He continues,

“When we dig up any legume species, be it in a herbal ley, cover crop or in the clover living mulch, we’re seeing plenty of nodules forming and more importantly we are noticing that they are active due to the dark purple colour when they are sliced open.”

Moving forward

The next steps at Boycefield are to reduce input usage further, focusing on utilising what is available on the farm. Billy has now taken on additional local arable land after demonstrating the benefits of a more regenerative, resilient system. Boycefield has started running a number of farm walks throughout the year to show other visitors what they are up to.

Follow Billy

Equally, Billy shares the daily goings on for the farm on twitter (@BoycefieldFarm) and on the Boycefield Farm website – a great platform to see all of the wonderful photos of the farm throughout the year. 

FCT’s Becky Willson and Yeo Valley Organics’ Tim Mead feature on ‘This is Altruistiq’

In December 2023 Becky Willson, Farm Carbon Toolkit‘s Technical Director and Tim Mead, the Non-exec and former CEO of Yeo Valley Organic featured on This is Alrtuistiq‘s podcast.

In this 40 min long podcast titled ‘From the Ground Up: How Important is Soil Health to our Future Food System‘, This is Altruistiq‘s host Jamie Dujardin asked questions delving deep into issues surrounding:

  • The challenges and opportunities of soil carbon measurement
  • The commercial opportunities for actors across the value chain (farmers to retailers)
  • What a future farming system looks like

They talk about key levers that businesses and farmers can take to scale soil health initiatives and offer some positivity and enthusiasm for the road ahead.

Hear how the work we do at FCT supports farmers by giving tangible, practical and applicable ways to build soil carbon and reduce emissions, whilst also building on farm resilience without affecting productivity. Also, hear how this relates to the ongoing work at Yeo Valley, where Tim Mead and his wider team are not only producing healthy nutritious food, but building soil health, reducing their emissions and addressing issues regarding resilience in the farming sector.

Listen here:

The podcast is available here and on most major podcast platforms.